WEUM The Essences Of Gospel Music
Tune in and listen to the power hour between 6AM – 7AM.
Listen to Minister Iris Hughes, of The Essences Of Gods Word Ministries.
Give praise to the most High God, For He is able to delivers you from any oppression.
Let him talk to through His Word. It is the only defense from the devices of the enemy. The way to Christ is a narrow path; though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death we should fear no evil. For the Lord is with us. His Love is in season and out of season we can always depends on His faithfulness.He is closer than a brother seeks Him and you shall be found. Love is journey we have to understand it power it the only way to total righteousness in Christ because it is the example the God demonstrated when He gave is only begotten son and a sacrifice for our sins
It is His covenant to His people that if we will repent our sin and believe in our heart that we are saved. We than must take up His mission to Tell everyone about His promise of salvation. His Word is our sword.
The Essences Of Gods Word Ministries is a non denominational churches in Virginia Beach VA; that is fully functional online ministry. We live a technological world so The Essences of Gods Word Ministries mission is to reach out to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ via the internet.
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Our next-generation ministry is God led and anointed. God have bypassed pulpits and have taken the podium of the world and media to convey a prophetic Word to the Church!